Take a Quiz (Student)

Please follow these steps to take an Edmodo Quiz: 

  1. Select the specific Class and find the Quiz Post. If you have a lot of posts, you might want to click the "Filter Posts By" link in the top right corner and filter by Quizzes.
  2. Click the “Take Quiz” button on the Quiz Post to take the Quiz. A page will appear with the name and details of the Quiz (description, time limit, etc.).
  3. Select the “Start Quiz” button to start the Quiz. The timer will begin and will continue to go, even if you leave the Quiz window.
  4. Select or type the answer to the question, and select the “Next” button at the top right of the Quiz to move on to the next question. Repeat until the Quiz is completed. You can also select the "Previous" button to go back and correct previous answers.
  5. View how many questions have been completed and the amount of time left to complete the Quiz at the top panel. 
  6. Click the “Submit Quiz” button at the top right corner once the Quiz is completed. A pop up box will appear asking, “Are you sure you want to end this Quiz?” Once you select “OK,” the Quiz will be submitted.
  7. Select the “View Results” link if your teacher chose to allow you to view your results immediately. By clicking this link, you will be able to review each question and see correct answers.

Note: If you leave the Quiz window during a Quiz, you can come back to it later and pick up where you left off. However, please note that the timer will continue to run once you start it, even when you do not have the Quiz window open. You can also take a Quiz using the Edmodo mobile apps.




