How to submit an assignment in edmodo:
Once you have completed your Assignment, you can turn it in by following the steps below.
To locate your Assignment:
- Find the Assignment in the class post stream, and click Open.
- Otherwise, go to the"Upcoming" area in the right side panel of the Class Page, and select the Assignment.
Important Assignment information, like the due date, Assignment description, and any attachments will be displayed on the right side panel.
To turn in your Assignment:
- Click the “Add Text Response” button and type in your response in the provided text box.
- To add an attachment, click the “Attach” drop down menu and select a File from Computer, Link from Web, File from Backpack, or File from Google Drive.
- To send a comment to your teacher, click the link underneath the Assignment submission area to open the Comments section.
- When you are ready to submit, click on “Turn in Assignment.”
After you have turned in an Assignment and your teacher has graded it, you can view your grade.
Note: If you need to resubmit an Assignment, you can do so only if your teacher allows this. Once your teacher has graded the Assignment, you are unable to resubmit the Assignment, unless the teacher clears the grade first.